
The Liebster Award!

Hey guys! I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Ellie from The Leo Beauty! Ellie, thank you so much for the nomination! 

So, what is Liebster Award? It is an online award given to new bloggers, which will allow them to connect with other bloggers and new readers. The rules to accept the award are pretty simple:
  1. Answer the 11 questions from the blogger(s) who nominated you
  2. Nominate 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers
  3. Create a new list of 11 questions for the nominees
  4. Let the nominees know that you are nominating them

 Now, let's get on to my answers to Ellie's questions:

1. Cream blush or powder blush?

Cream blush! It somehow works better on my skin.

2. Favourite genre of music? (You can pick more than one)

I don't really have a favorite music genre. I listen to everything from classic to electro lol. But, I guess I listen to pop and R&B most often.

3. Favourite weather? 

Something that feels like spring - warm enough to wear shorts and cool enough for a light sweater, if that makes sense :) Oh, no rain please.

4. Favourite shop?

Sephora! I just can't help myself going in there every time I see one.

5. Favourite mascara? 

Clinique's - so far, the only brand of mascara that doesn't smudge on me.

6. Scone - is it pronounced like 'thrown' or 'gone'? 

'Thrown' I guess. That's how all of my friends and I pronounce it.

7. Which is the best Disney princess?

I don't really have one, but I recently watched Frozen and think Elsa is awesome.

8. Boots or Superdrug?

I've never been to either of them - personally, I've never seen them in the U.S.

9. Do you use fake tan? 


10. Liquid, gel, or kohl eyeliner?

Liquid eyeliner - it lasts longer on my oily lids.

I nominated: 

Chloe from Ohsowai
Lisa from Bubbly Color
Hye Mi from Sun Hye Mi
Emily from Emily Marysia
Sonya from Itty Bitty Bunny
Lina from Love Between the Racks
Mae from MarxMae
Liz from Every Little Thing
Michelle from Michelleytan
Cheryl from Because every part of you can be beautiful, even your buns
Lisa from Cups of Tea and Dreams

Here are my 11 questions:

1. Pink or orange shades for make-up?
2. Heels or flats?
3. If you can only choose one make-up product to put on, what would it be?
4. All-white or all-black outfit?
5. What is your favorite fashion brand?
6. One restaurant you absolutely love?
7. Tea or coffee?
8. Who is your celebrity role model?
9. What is on the top of your dream vacation destination list?
10. What is one of your holy grail beauty products?
11. Shorts or skirts?

This award is such a nice way to get to know other bloggers and to discover new bloggers. Thanks again, Ellie, for giving me this award! Hope those I nominated accept the award and enjoy answering the questions. My apologies if you've already been nominated. See you all in the next post :)


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  1. Thank you very much for the nomination Stella, I am truly honoured. I love Elsa from Frozen as well. That movie is amazing and would love to get my hands on the DVD when it's out. Cheers bella!


  2. Thank you for the nomination! :) Very much appreciated and I'm honored as well!
    The way you describe your perfect weather is similar to my kind of perfect weather. Sadly that type of weather is very rare in The Netherlands. T T Sephora used to be a shop that I really adore, but they removed all their chains in The Netherlands and now I don't have access to Urban Decay. /sad :( And Elsa from Frozen is just too awesome, definitely one of my favorite Disney queen. <3


  3. You're welcome :) It's officially Spring but it's sill freezing here :(

  4. You're welcome! Good to know you love the movie too :D

  5. Congrats hun :) you deserve it!
    Follow for follow?
    Lipsiie xx


  6. Thank you soo much for the nomination! I really appreciate it. And I totally agree with you about sephora, it's so hard to walk in there and not get anything. Love your blog! XD


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